Sex Act

This week Charlie and Marius take pizza orders and discuss essential oils, shrimp riots, Taco Bell, designer drugs, Nancy Reagan, D.A.R.E, Tinder, sex moves, love advice, Ted Cruz and much more.

Song List:

Ceephax acid crew - Sidney's sizzler

Richard attree - artwork


Fantastic Palace - universe 

Fantastic Palace - life's orchestration

Fantastic Palace - what is wrong with you


Scott walker - the big hurt

I signori Della galassia - vulcano


Fantastic palace - magenta gas cloud

Fantastic Palace - penrose reptiles


Faust - just a second (starts like that)

Black derma - Cynthia-Ruth 


Faust -The sad skinhead

The velvet underground - after hours


ELO - when time stood still

The ex - the early bird's worm